Saturday, June 19, 2010

Earned citizenship.

Military recruiters should be available at U.S. embassies abroad to accept applications. All recruits and their immediate families should be eligible for a three year visa after three years honorable service and be eligible to take a citizenship test after three additional years, with employment visas while awaiting results and processing.


We, that is the US government, just paid $158,000,000.00 to the country of Brazil to settle a lawsuit. While this only amounts to about 50 cents apiece, it disturbs me. It disturbs me for several reasons. first all, we do not have the money. We are broke. We must borrow the money. Every dollar borrowed from Americans means one less dollar for investment in productive ventures. Also I wondered what benefit do we derive for this transfer of funds to Brazil. It turns out that we have broken an international agreement in subsidizing American sugar producing companies. This benefits us by allowing Americans to pay higher prices for anything that uses sugar. and of course we are all in favor of higher prices. We are now allowed to borrow another $3,000,000,000.00 (that's 3 BILLION or about $10.00 each) to give to the American companies. Our option was to let tropical Brazil impose import taxes on our goods, making us non-competitive and thus increasing our unemployment rate. We have borrowed about 50 billion dollars over the past several decades and now we must borrow another billion or so to pay the interest on the money that we borrowed in order to give away so we can pay more for sugar. Don't blame this all on the democrats. Republicans support this programs. Maybe I was harsh. I should not have said democrats and republicans. I should have professional politicians. It is time to do away with the incumbents. Replace everyone who has spent three terms and anyone who has voted for any earmarks. Why don't we produce crops in which we have a comparative advantage the world market needs like corn or soybeans.

Support BP

I just saw an ad for free bumper stickers for a campaign to boycott BP. I have encountered many stupid ideas over the years, and this is certainly one of the dumbest I have ever heard. Someone wants BP to pay for the oil spill and believes that the best way is to reduce their income. I believe that the best way is to INCREASE their income. This would provide the money that they could use if the courts assess liability for the costs. I am going to look for a BP station today and fill my tank. I want them to be able to pay for the damages. Just my personal opinion as to the best way to get the necessary monies. I do not believe that the American taxpayers should pay nor do I believe that any one should be strongarmed a la obama.  You may enter your opinion.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I believe that Obama can win reelection. He has created many detractors, but still has many supporters. Many presidents have been hated. Lincoln and FDR are examples. However they were reelected. The people who speak out are the extremists who love or hate Obama. Most people do not know or care enough to understand the issues. Most elections are determined by 1-5% of the people who bother to vote. at least 1/3 of the public can not or will not make a rational decision. Chicken Littles are always around.
    A great deal of work must be done to inform the public of his misdeeds. He is not as much evil as uninformed. He really believes that everything that is not to his liking is caused by evil people. The lower average income of women could not be caused by decisions that they make but by evil men. The lower employment rates of blacks are not due to their failure to earn an education but by the efforts of non-black people to keep them depressed.  Nothing is his fault. It is Bush's fault. The gulf oil spill was not an accident but the fault of the evil oil company. Actually the oil company did not want any accidents.
    The democrats and the republicans both share responsibility for our problems. Most members of congress must be swept away. Obama will win unless someone appears who will make the hard choices necessary to convince the public. Anyone can pledge allegiance to motherhood and apple pie, but who will give real life examples of stands that they will take. Examples such as the previous listed ones.  Each person must try to locate candidates that will swear to take specific steps to reduce the burden of government. Then they must try to convince other people to support these candidates.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Enter your choices

1) Eliminate tenure. No one is guaranteed a job or life time employment in a tax-paying private enterprise. There is no reason that teachers should have a right to life time employment, regardless of their performance.

2) Eliminate grants to local dept.artments of education. The federal government should have and provide standard blueprints for various sizes and options of public buildings. They now provide money and all local governments spend it to duplicate each other's work. Fire houses, schools, libraries, recreation centers, hospitals, surgical centers, jails, etc. can be standard accross the country.

3) Discontinue grants to public television and radio.

4) Discontinue all grants for art and culture. It is not the function of the federal government to decide their choices of art or culture. Local governments can make their own choices and raise the money for their choices.

5) All new federal employees should be paid no more then 20% greater then the prevailing wages for comparable jobs in the private sector..

6) All federal employees should be given retirement benefits comparable to private industry.

7) Discontinue granting money for foreign aid.

8) Discontinue granting arms and munitions as foreign aid, except to mutal aid countries that have shared combat duties with us.

9) Allow foreign nationals to serve in our armed forces and earn citizenship.

10) Grant work visas to qualified workers to fill vacant jobs, if they have sponsers to pay all legal and medical costs.

11) Require all foreign language broadcasts to subtitle 2/2 of their programs in English, if 1/2 of their progaming is not in English.

12) Allow and require foreign countries to provide interpreters for all public facilities that have 10% of the total patrons from their country who require such help.

13) Embargo all countries that do not have a single voter roll.

14) Require all ships using American ports to transport all cargos certified as non-munitions to any port that they pass.

15) make illegal re-entry by aliens a felony.

16) Require all spending authorizations to be germane and by roll call vote.

17) Deport all pregnant foreign nations to home country or to country that will accept them.